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Methodological examples for content development

Examples of methodological solutions
in the SkillToolkit Live! training/eLearning platform

Training of internal processes,

onboarding, upskilling

Workflow training


Support for the services provided to external partners


Preparation for internal and state exams


Training of internal processes, onboarding, upskilling

Education of legal regulations, internal regulations and procedures, safety regulations, quality management systems, documentation tasks related to work, where we don’t only teach the rules in text form, but draw on the correct application of the rules from real life situations.

Anchor 1

Here we do not only teach the handling of devices, machines and softwares, but also the way to perform real workflow steps with the necessary complex tools. We recommend this not only to train internal employees, but also to reduce the personal support necessary for the product/service provided to external partners, and to provide additional information and training support.

Workflow training

Anchor 2

Support for the services provided to external partners

e.g. reducing customer service workload and instructor led training, negotiation, sales techniques and soft-skill topics can also be taught, even in a blended form of training.

Anchor 3

Preparation for internal and state exams

We have also developed a test system to prepare for internal and state exams which can be customised based on the needs of the customer. According to the experience of our clients, the test system prepares learners for the exam in a verifiably effective manner in accordance with the requirements of the exams.

Anchor 4
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